Sunday, May 18, 2008

May 18, 2008

This county is getting some much needed new blood in the Republican Party.

With the best of the best Nick Spano moving on, he is still our inspiration and with Doug Colety as our chair, we are going to be stronger than ever.

A new person on the scene is running for District Attorney against the turn-coat Janet DiFiore. Janet was elected by the hard work of Republicans. When Jeanine Pirro was DA she led the ticket for us, just as Janet did. But Janet hopes not to take a chance on re-election by becoming a member of the party of HRC/Obama and Howard Dean.

The new guy Dan Schorr has great experience from the Queens DA's office. Learning from Judge Brown in Queens is being taught by the best. Dan recently pointed out a great program that Queens is using already.

In Queens, a person who has an order of protection against them must wear an electronic ankle bracelet that uses Global Positioning Satellites to pin point their location. GPS is off the shelf, many have it in their cars.

However, if the person wearing the bracelet goes to the forbidden location, crosses the barrier of distance set by the court, the protectee gets a text message warning them of the encroachment! The text will tell them to lock their doors! Or, if they are out, the message will warn them not to go home.

At the same time as the victim is warned, the police are notified that a violation is in progress adding more protection!

Dan Schorr also pointed out that this kind of technological edge was once the hallmark of Westchester County. We used to lead the way in using the newest and the best to protect our citizens.

May 15, 2008

What a week! The venerable Mike Long came to White Plains.

Mr. Long of Brooklyn, father of 9, is the president of the Conservative Party of New York State. He came to tell us all the need for a Republican President in our precious White House. This is no time for a weakling, appeaser or wimp to run our country. Mike was welcomed by the very charming chair of the Westchester Conservative Party Gail Burns. Doug Colety, chair of the Republican Party of Westchester was there.

Doug just chaired the annual dinner of the GOP a smash event two weeks ago.

Keep in mind since the Dems took over Congress we have seen gas double in price, inflation nibble at our dollars and Hamas endorse Obama. The petro-dictators of the world are trying to control our elections! They, who have no use for democracy, want to tell us how to vote.

Thanks for reading.